Welcome to Learn2Learn - how does this course work?
Welcome and congratulations for deciding to take this step, and start to make the most of every learning opportunity!
Course Outline
This course is set up to be done in order. Why? Because each module builds upon the ones before it. It is a teaching technique known as scaffolding, and is also effecting in making sure we build in a reflection and revision practice. In other words, practicing the techniques that will help you become a great learner!
Module 1 Deals with how the brain learns, and what will help set you up for an effective learning experience. It does include a fair bit of theory and self-reflection – for a reason! This will give you context and greater clarity around the tools and techniques we use, so you can effectively apply them in your own learning context.
Module 2 Is about putting that theory into practice – learning by doing. This section has some recommended projects for you to implement into your other studies, to help you take action and make the most of this course.
Module 3 Will help you to develop your Study Resilience. I’m not going to say that learning is easy. Particularly in a University or TAFE setting where there are assessments, time pressures and all the stress that goes with that. Learning something different or opposing our prior beliefs can also be quite a personal challenge. This module is about surviving and thriving!
Module 4 Is about some really key personal practices for success in learning and at work – mindset, feedback, flearning (learning from failure), and reflective practice.
Module 5 Focuses on the importance of others through social learning, whether that be our friends, those we admire, our coaches or mentors. Like it or not, humans are social beings, and we rely on our interactions with others for much of our learning and confirmation of learning.
Module 6 Is our final session, and essentially just a quick review and revisit of the previous modules. Repetition, connection and confirmation is key to learning!
Whilst this course is self-paced (just like University), it is recommended that if you are for example starting your University studies, that you start this the week or two before term, and apply it alongside your studies during the first few weeks. You can then refer back to different sections and practice them throughout the term!
You might notice that you don't have access to the full program on day one... This is to make sure you are spacing your learning, and spending enough time on each module before you progress to the next one.
One of the key elements of learning is to take action, which is why you will find activities throughout this program. They are denoted with the following symbol:
In the downloadable workbook there is an activity sheet for each one - plus extra reflection sheets for some of the video resources and extra notes spaces. The workbook is completely optional - it can help create a dedicated place for your notes and reflect back on how much progress you've made as you progress through the program.
Actually taking the time to work through the activity AND TAKE NOTES is the best way to create the new neural pathways and the changes that will help you to be successful at and beyond studies.