
Welcome to Learn2Learn Lite

This program is delivered in bite-sized sessions, focused on helping you establish some of the core strategies and practices to become a confident and successful learner.

We know that everyone is a unique individual, and believe that we each have the ability (and need) to tailor our own learning experience to suit our strengths and specific needs. Whilst our formal studies are just one (although important) part of our lives, we are actually constantly learning in every action and interaction throughout our day. What you will learn and implement in these mini sessions will help you in all aspects of your life, particularly your studies.

  • Get your head in the space
  • Feel supported and connected
  • Shift from "I can't" to "I get it"
  • Make it easier to work with others
  • Feel better about yourself
  • Discover how to make the stuff you are learning interesting

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, work, play and learn. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and those to come.

This program has been created on Darumbal country, on the Central Queensland coast. We feel blessed to be able to call these lands home, and recognise that colonisation and ongoing systemic racism mean that many Traditional Owners have been permanently displaced and are unable to connect and learn on their own country.

We here at Learn Grow Become are determined to do our part in rectifying these imbalances through our work and through the reinvestment of profits to invest in the future of Indigenous people.

Together we are one.

Valuing what comes before.

Acknowledging and recognising the skills and wisdom of our Ancestors, and of traditional Indigenous peoples is important for many reasons.

When it comes to learning, we have lost many of the behaviours and strategies of effective learning and memory. Reconnecting with these helps us not only improve our learning ability, it also helps improve our mental and emotional wellbeing.

For many of us, by identifying ourselves as a single identity (often our job titles) we are denying all the other important roles in our lives. It becomes easier to forget all the great things we do when they don't seem to "connect" to this identity or label.

How would you like to identify yourself instead?

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