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Swinburne University Learn2Learn program 2022
Welcome to Learn2Learn
Introducing Swinburne's Learn2Learn initiative!
Welcome to Learn2Learn - how does this course work? (2:45)
Acknowledgement of Country and Wisdom (2:06)
Downloadable workbook...
Module 1: Underlying theories for successful learning
Introducing Module 1: Underlying theories for successful learning (0:57)
How your Brain Learns (2:54)
Self Efficacy (2:17)
Active Learning (1:31)
What is "Metacognition"???
Self-Regulated Learning - bringing the theory together (1:02)
Module 2: Putting Theory into Practice
Introducing Module 2 - Strategy building time! (0:54)
VAK - Learning Styles (1:02)
Applying Self-Regulated Learning
Finding and Applying Learning Strategies
CIDERS - 6 Key Learning Strategies
Strategies to Explore
Module 3: Study and Personal Resilience
Module 3 - Study Resiliance (0:44)
Goal setting (13:54)
Time Management
Self Care
Help seeking - Strength not weakness
Self Evaluation
5 Senses of Student Success
Module 4: The mindset of a learner
Introducing Module 4: Understanding yourself as a Learner (1:01)
Mindsets - What's the best frame of mind to learn?
FLearning - Learning from failures
Feedback - your new study buddy!
Reflective Practice
Module 5: Social learning
Introducing Module 5: Social Learning (0:43)
Going Tribal
Extrovert vs Introvert?
Group Work
4 Keys to Teamwork
Module 6 - It's a wrap!
Introducing Module 6 - Final review and wrap up (0:26)
Reflecting on Module 1 - Theory & Motivation
Reflecting on Module 2 - Strategies in Practice
Reflecting on Module 3 - Resilience and Planning
Reflecting on Module 4 - Mindset, Failure, Feedback and Reflecting
Reflecting on Module 5 - Social learning
Final Words and Graduation! (0:23)
Your voice - feedback time!
Reflecting on Module 5 - Social learning
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